It seems like abandoned places still have a big fascination, not on myself only, but for the whole SL's universe.
I've been visiting a lot of seemingly deranged places like that in the years, most of them leaning towards the most realistic look they can achieve ever.
LICK is one of these, but I've found it quite different and with some sort of twisted atmosphere that made me feel kinda like the last woman on earth. Or, well.. at least on some sort of..planet.
The sim is build to be a showcase, to be honest, since Lick Designs is a shop for enviromental and building props and pieces: the whole region is like a giant products' exibithion but you don't really care about it, once you step in.
Everything starts like a "normal" abandoned sim with the usual carousel and the likes. Then you notice a pathway leading to some underground zone. And this is where everything starts, because it's not a simple cave: there's an hidden control room with panels and computers and monitors. Makes you think there's someone spying you. Or at least, there was.
When you finally emerge on the other side of this odd submarine (oh..did I mention we're underwater?) establishment, you find yourself in a seemingly alien place, full of odd and futuristic buildings which kinda remind me of the infamous "alien abandoned village" in China (yeah, the real China..)** , even if in a revamped state XD
All in all, this is a strange place. Well worth a visit.
TAXI --->
** The Sanzhi UFO houses :
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