Cica Ghost is a well known artist that has been filling the Grid with a lot of marvellous and original installations and a personal favourite.
When I saw she was working on a new piece I was very curious but never ever expected to find something like this. Prison is the most shockingly beautiful and simple work of art I've ever seen on SL. I fell immediately in love with this place it its complexity, yet simplicity.
The sim is a unique and lonely island in the middle of nowhere. You find yourself in a maze made of iron bars and doors. These doors will open as soon as you come close..there's no actual "prison" in there, yet as soon as you walk'll never want to leave. Because that's the way it works: in the middle of the void, even some iron cells make a comfortable home when the only other option is a complete and dishartening emptyness.
Music also plays an important trick as it drives you even closer to phobia. All you want to do is find the most central cell, as far away from the external as you can, and close yourself in there as if it was the only safe place. Your prison, nonetheless.
Poetry. Pure, amazing, fascinating poetry.
I'm in complete awe.
I've been waiting years to see something this beautiful. And now I'm the happiest avatar ever.
Also, don't forget to check Cica's store here:
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